• Viggo Mortensen

(Español e inglés a continuación)



Griselda Oliver i Alabau. Barcelona. / 26.02.2015

El Teatre Romea ha programat un cicle de solos, on artistes de diversos racons del món es planten davant del públic i reciten, expliquen o canten una tria. Aquest mes ha estat el torn de Viggo Mortensen, sens dubte, una de les actuacions més esperades del cicle, que ens presenta la seva faceta més personal amb l’espectacle Canciones de invierno.

Viggo Mortensen es despulla davant del públic. “Per mi, la música i la poesia juntes signifiquen alguna cosa. Quan sento alguna cosa, escric. Quan escric, penso en una melodia”, confessa en un moment de l’espectacle. Aquesta és l’essència d’aquest cicle de solos que ha programat el Teatre Romea, fer que el protagonista de la vetllada s’enfronti al públic. Viggo Mortensen, acompanyat pel pianista Rafel Plana, ha hagut de seduir una sala plena de gom a gom, que l’espera impacientment.

Amb un posat segur, Viggo Mortensen es mou lliurement per l’escenari. Com un rapsode que entreté els seus oients, l’actor comença a recitar, tant en castellà, anglès com, fins i tot, en català. Assegut sobre una pedra, recita un primer poema seu. Parla sobre la llibertat. Després en ve un altre, sobre els seus records d’infantesa. I altres, sobre el camí vital, el destí i el pas del temps, que fuig. També en recita un, escrit fa temps i que es diu “Primera sesión”, que té a veure amb l’ofici d’actor. Mentrestant Rafel Plana l’acompanya musicalment —per petició del mateix Mortensen, ens toca l’Opus 6 d’Aleksandr Skriabin. Ser a Barcelona li fa pensar en la primera vegada que hi va venir: era l’any 1995 i va ser pel rodatge de Gimlet, dirigida per José Luis Acosta. En aquell moment ell va escriure un poema, titulat “Otoño catalán”.

Durant la vetllada, Viggo Mortensen aprofita per recordar alguns dels seus poetes preferits. Recita, per exemple, poemes de Fabián Casas, com, per exemple, “Sin llaves y a oscuras”, del poeta bosni Izet Sarajilic, o “Elogi de la discreció”, de la poeta catalana Anna Rossell. El públic cau rendit amb aquest últim poema i aplaudeix efusivament l’actor.

Amb aquest solo, l’actor ens demostra que, amb un repertori senzill, un posat atrevit i segur, és capaç de captivar i entretenir un públic entusiasmat de poder-lo veure actuar en directe. Sic transit gloria mundi.

A la sortida de l’espectacle, es podien adquirir tant el llibre com el CD de Viggo Mortensen, Canciones de invierno, que encara es poden comprar a la Llibreria de la Filmoteca. Els diners que es recullin es destinaran a ajudar el Centre de Música i Escena per la Inclusió Social Xamfrà, al barri del Raval.

Teatre Romea | Viggo Mortensen

(Publicat a Núvol. El digital de cultura, 26-02-2015)




Griselda Oliver y Alabau. Barcelona. / 02/26/2015

El Teatro Romea ha programado un ciclo de solos, donde artistas de diversos rincones del mundo se plantan ante el público y recitan, explican o cantan textos de su elección. Este mes ha sido el turno de Viggo Mortensen, sin duda, una de las actuaciones más esperadas del ciclo, que nos presenta su faceta más personal con el espectáculo Canciones de invierno.

Viggo Mortensen se desnuda ante el público. "Para mí, la música y la poesía juntas significan algo. Cuando siento algo, escribo. Cuando escribo, pienso en una melodía", confiesa en un momento del espectáculo. Ésta es la esencia de este ciclo de Solos que ha programado el Teatro Romea, hacer que el protagonista de la velada se enfrente al público. Viggo Mortensen, acompañado por el pianista Rafael Plana, ha tenido que seducir a una sala llena a rebosar, que le espera impacientemente.

Con ademán seguro, Viggo Mortensen se mueve libremente por el escenario. Como un rapsoda que entretiene a sus oyentes, el actor empieza a recitar, tanto en castellano e inglés como, incluso, en catalán. Sentado sobre una piedra, recita un primer poema suyo. Habla sobre la libertad. Después viene otro, sobre sus recuerdos de infancia. Y otros, sobre el camino vital, el destino y el paso del tiempo, que huye. También recita uno, escrito hace tiempo, que lleva por título Primera sesión, que tiene que ver con el oficio de actor. Mientras Rafael Plana le acompaña musicalmente -por petición del propio Mortensen, nos toca Opus 6 de Aleksandr Scriabin. Estar en Barcelona le hace pensar en la primera vez que vino: era el año 1995 y fue el rodaje de Gimlet, dirigida por José Luis Acosta. En ese momento él escribió un poema, titulado Otoño catalán.

Durante la velada, Viggo Mortensen aprovecha para recordar algunos de sus poetas preferidos. Recita, por ejemplo, poemas de Fabián Casas, como, por ejemplo, Sin llave y a oscuras, del poeta bosnio Izet Sarajilic, o Elogio de la discreción, de la poeta catalana Anna Rossell. El público cae rendido con este último poema y aplaude efusivamente al actor.

Con este solo, el actor nos demuestra que, con un repertorio sencillo, un ademán atrevido y seguro, es capaz de cautivar y entretener a un público entusiasmado de poder ver actuar en directo. Sic transit gloria mundi.

A la salida del espectáculo, se podían adquirir tanto el libro como el CD de Viggo Mortensen, Canciones de invierno, que todavía se pueden comprar en la Librería de la Filmoteca. El dinero que se recojan se destinarán a ayudar al Centro de Música y Escena para la Inclusión Social Chaflán, en el barrio del Raval.

Teatro Romea | Viggo Mortensen

(Publicado en Núvol. El digital de cultura, 26-02-2015)



Viggo Mortensen bares himself in front of the audience. "For me, music and poetry together mean something. When I feel something, I write. When I write, I think of a melody," he confesses at one point during the show. This is the essence of thisSolos cycle programmed by the Romea Theatre, getting the protagonist of the event to face the audience. Viggo Mortensen, accompanied by pianist Rafel Plana, had to seduce a packed room that was impatiently waiting for him.

With a confident air, Viggo Mortensen moves freely around the stage. Like a bard who entertains his listeners, the actor begins to read in Spanish, English, and even in Catalan. Seated on a stone, he reads the first of his poems. It's about freedom. Another one about his childhood memories comes next. And others, about one's path in life, fate and time flying. He also reads one, written a long time ago, called "Matinee," that has to do with the acting profession. Meanwhile, Rafel Plana accompanies him with music. At Mortensen's request, he plays Aleksandr Scriabin´s Opus 6 for us. Being in Barcelona makes him think of his first time here; it was in 1995 for the shooting of Gimlet, directed by José Luís Acosta. It was then that he wrote a poem called "Otoño catalán."

During the evening, Viggo Mortensen takes the opportunity to remember some of his favourite poets. For example, he reads poems by Fabián Casas, like, for instance, "Sin llaves y a oscuras" [Without Keys and in the Dark], one by Bosnian poet Izet Sarajilic, or "Elogi de la discreció "[In Praise of Discretion], by Catalan poet Anna Rossell. With this last poem, the audience surrenders completely to the actor and applauds with great enthusiasm.

With this solo, the actor shows us that with a simple repertoire, a bold and self-assured air, he's able to captivate and entertain an audience enthusiastic at being able to see him perform live. Sic transit gloria mundi.

On leaving the performance, you could buy Viggo Mortensen's book Canciones de invierno as well as the CD, which can still be purchased at the Filmoteca's Bookshop. The money raised will go to help the Centre de Música i Escena per la Inclusió Social Xamfrâ [Music and Stage Centre for Social Inclusion], in the Raval neighbourhood.

(Published in:



Viggo Mortensen - Teatre Romea

By Marc - translated by Ollie and Zoe

23 February 2015

Source: Another Time, Another Place

As part of the Solos series, where artistically speaking, artists open up and share their intimate space to recite and act in front of the audience, today Canciones de invierno, by pianist Rafel Plana and Viggo Mortensen, was performed at the Romea Theatre.

In the lobby, the actor's CDs and books were displayed for sale, and they can also be purchased in the Filmoteca bookstore. The proceeds will go to benefit the Xamfrá Music and Stage Centre for Social Inclusion in the Raval neighborhood. Viggo announced it himself at the performance, reminding [the audience] that all of the proceeds derived from the event go entirely to the above institution; he is not taking a cent. 

The theatre's stage was characterized by its simplicity, where a moon illuminated in its cycle provided the only source of light; the props consisted of just a few stones and a little water, simulating a mountain. The piano as main element and starring role. 

Viggo made his appearance down the aisle and behaved as if he were alone, moving freely around the stage, checking out his environment. He poured himself a glass of wine while looking at the piano, playing a few notes. Seconds later Rafel came on stage with a similar attitude, following in his footsteps; the connection between the two was instantly clear.

Some pages came along with the performer who sat down on a stone to start reading his poems; he began by speaking about the paradigms of a free man; part of the selection can be found in his book Canciones de invierno, that lends its name to the performance. A place was also found for other favorites of the artist, like Izet Sarajlić, or "Sin llaves y a oscuras" by Fabián Casas, a reflection about death as a transition and temporary stage.

He proceeded with another piece in which he speaks about his childhood which he tried to make into a memory exercise about how he saw his earliest vision of the world and captured it with pen to paper. The evening continued with various themes like "Matinee" which related to his career as an actor and various subjects such as his path through life, highlighting his perception and attitude toward it and its outcome.

In spite of the whole event being in Spanish with his characteristic Argentine accent, he ventured to read "Elogi de la discreció" by Anna Rossell in perfect Catalan. He remembered the first time that he set foot in this country in 1995, when he filmed the movie Gimlet directed by José Luis Costa in Barcelona with Ángela Molina. At that time, he wrote the poem, "Otoño catalán"[Catalan Autumn], an original title like few others, he commented ironically. 

Viggo talked about his interests, admitting that, for him, there's no difference between composing or writing; all expressions of art come by different paths, but they all have a common origin. One feeling leads him to another, so while he is writing, he can also hear a melody.

Rafel Plana constantly accompanied the speaker, shaping the musical background, and gaining in presence when Viggo sang in Spanish as well as in English. As a pianist, he even risked a particularly difficult piece, right after having mentioned an analogy related to the complex task of creating in any form, as was the case for Alexander Scriabin whose Opus 6 he then played.

Approximately halfway through the performance, silence reigned for a moment and the Master of Ceremonies blurted out "Descanso" [Rest]; the audience broke out in applause and Viggo hurried to make it clear that this wasn't actually a break [in the program] but that the poem was titled that way. He took advantage of the atmosphere created to comment that it was strange that he had spoken about everything but soccer, although his passion for the San Lorenzo team is well known.

He had time for another of his selected poems, "The Wolf," which he read in both English and Spanish, although he himself indicated that he didn't appreciate translations too much since part of the essence is lost and betrayed by them. It's an arduous task to interpret concepts, and the possibility exists that they don't remain as nuanced as [they were] in their original form.

Viggo finished the performance by again singing one of the pieces in English, but not before taking the opportunity to read an extensive poem as the last arrow in his quiver. He'd been on stage for an hour in which closeness and familiarity had taken hold of the situation, more than enough time for the idea and the proposed concepts.

In 2011, he appeared in the play Purgatorio in Madrid, and today he has returned for a single, exclusive evening, with scarcely any promotion being noted. It´s not every day we have the pleasure of seeing in a theatre in Barcelona an international actor with the stature of Viggo Mortensen.

(Pubished in English in:
